27 Sep
Press Release Distribution

When it comes to press release distribution, options abound. There are so many press release distribution options, in fact, that it becomes quite a chore to sort through them all without some objective information about what kinds of submissions do what.

Press Release Submission

We will start with the most "hands-off" approach to distribution. This Press Release Distribution option involves submitting a news release to one company and paying a large fee to have your documents distributed to their site, as well as forwarded to their media contact list. This can be a powerful option for major corporations and companies whose names are common in the news anyways, as most journalists would love to have "inside information" or a breaking news story about a famous company, but unfortunately, for a regular small business or website owner who wants to get the word out, this Press Release Writing Services distribution option is going to get their site promoted to people who do not particularly care about small businesses and will not make use of the information in the way that you might like, not to mention that this kind of service is incredibly expensive (most reputable companies charge anywhere between $200 and $2000 per press release).

If you own a brick-and-mortar store or a company which primarily does business in a local area, you may consider sending a copy of your Unlimited Press Release Service to local newspapers or other media outlets (think magazines, television, and radio stations in your surrounding area). This is a good option for businesses who do not have anything of national appeal but is probably a bad idea for an internet business, or people who want to encourage buyers nationwide.

The next option that many take is to distribute to one or more of the free press release submission sites on the internet and to hope that this will ensure widespread distribution. While it's free, and thus, rather cost-effective, this is the kind of submission service which is only effective if you're distributing to a number of companies, which is very time-consuming. Each individual Press Release Writing Service site will have a number of journalists or affiliates who are interested in promoting your news, but the number is relatively small compared to the number you'd need to make a bigger media splash. It is, however, a very viable press release distribution option, and one which my recommended method is based on.

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